Catholic Consulting Services
Live Well. Live Healthy. Live Catholic.
Our members need a partner to overcome the challenge of improving Catholic identity in their health plan.
They need a specialist, a translator, a ministry partner.
A specialist
that bridges the gap between Religious Freedom and Health Benefits.
A translator
who will translate our faith into benefits.
A ministry partner
to ensure a fully Catholic compliant health plan.
Our Consulting Difference
Our ministry begins by partnering with self-funded Catholic employers to:

Identify and resolve moral conflicts within the plan language.

Develop faith-driven language, drawing from Catholic teaching.

Maximize CBA protections and other religious liberties through faith-based legal strategies.

Offer innovative Catholic alternatives to strengthen the plan experience.
Working with our Members and their Business Partners
We put our faith first, deciphering insurance language and applying Catholic resources to innovate new faith-based benefit experience.
Our services help members align their benefits with their faith and provide collaborative support for their existing partners.
How we work with the you and your partners:

How We Work With Members
With CBA protections leading the way, our members can disrupt the status quo plan experience to one that is fully aligned with our faith. We help in guiding members through a process of building a stronger Catholic plan experience.

How We Work With Consultants & Brokers
Health benefit consultants can feel at ease with our consultant/broker agnostic approach to addressing their client health plans from a more authentically, Catholic approach.

How We Work With Insurers & TPAs
Self-funded insurers and third-party administrators (TPA) benefit from an industry leader who has experience in religious freedom protections and benefits supportive of their Catholic clients.
Our Expertise
RFP and Plan Implementation
During the RFP evaluation process, we provide Catholic identity analysis of each option. Throughout implementation, we ensure CBA protections are integrated, identify opportunities for Catholic identity improvement, and provide consultation on an expanded Catholic plan experience.
Legal Analysis
Our engagement guarantees that your health plan remains responsive to the latest legal developments. When necessary, we review any previously secured religious liberty protections and ensure their application to the health plan.
Medical / Pharmacy Plan Review and Moral Compliance Score
Using our industry-first moral compliance scoring process and your customized roadmap, we guide you towards a stronger Catholic health plan experience.
Our pharmacy reviews inspect pharmacy formularies and employee-facing lists of medications, ensuring they are consistent with Catholic teaching and religious liberty protections procured.
Catholic Plan Language
We implement rich Catholic benefit language, where standard insurance language fails to deliver a morally compliant plan experience. We secure this new language within health plans and consult with insurers to address the coding specific to the new language.
Catholic Audit
Our audit process is laser-focused on the benefits, plan exclusions, and medical / pharmacy coding critical to a Catholic plan experience.
Our Catholic Optimization Analysis demonstrates outcomes and improved Moral Compliance Scores to your Bishop or leadership.
Customer Service / Account Management Team Training
Unique to the market, we provide education support to your carrier / TPA customer service and account management team. We evanglize your secular partners to understand what distinguishes your Catholic plan for your employees
Leadership Professional Development
CBA provides a learning platform designed to assist leaders to effectively discuss plan benefits and their relation to Catholic identity. Our suite of learning modules covers challenging areas such as infertilty, contraception, sterilization, gender transition services, Natural Family Planning, and more, providing pratical guidance to explain plan coverages.
Open Enrollment Support
Our support of the open enrollment process provides benefits teams recommendations to bolster a Catholic health plan experience. From our professional development resouces we educate on the Catholic-specific benefits and plan exclusions, ensuring Catholic teaching is always at the forefront of each employee engagement opportunity.
Get Started Today
Come see what our authentic, Catholic healthcare approach is all about!
For more information, please contact Jason Coon: / 303-688-3822
What our members and consultants are saying
Thank you very much for your review and spending time with us yesterday to discuss. It was very informative and eye-opening. We now have a road map for improvement…thanks for that.
I’ve reviewed and I found the Plan Summary Review and Moral Compliance document to be extremely helpful!
I’m so thankful for what the CBA is doing and how your services are helping our client. I’m grateful how your organization partners with consultant groups like ours. Our client is excited about the new direction.