Protect the conscience rights of Catholic employers
Optimize the Catholic employment experience
Provide access to cost effective Catholic benefits
Strengthen Catholic identity in health care.
Genesis Healthcare Program
Catholic employers deserve cost-effective, life-affirming healthcare options that support human dignity and engages our Catholic health care community. Faith is a vital part of our overall well-being. Genesis provides an authentic lifestyle in health care and ushers in a new, Catholic standard of whole-person health and wellness.
Live Well. Live Healthy. Live Catholic.
Cost Reduction Focus
- Reduced Administration, network and other plan fees
- Best-in-class RX contracting and program management
- Large claim management services
Improved Catholic Identity
- Health plans are audited to certify adherence with the Catholic faith
- Strong focus on an improved Catholic Women’s health experience
- Aligns benefits with our Catholic teachings
- Driven to improve access to Catholic medical physicians and services
Efficient Program Management
- Annual audit to ensure alignment
with faith - Annual pharmacy audit
- Dedicated customer service team equipped to meet the needs of a Catholic-based organization