by Mary Beth Barry

As Catholic employers, it is our privilege and duty to integrate our faith into every aspect of our work environment, including the interview process. Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us that ‘whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.’ This scripture guides us in seeking candidates who are not only professionally qualified but also committed to serving Christ through their work.

As an HR professional or leader, you understand the importance of ensuring that your hiring processes not only seek the best candidates but also align with or support your organizations Catholic values and identity. Integrating faith into every aspect of operations, including interviews, is essential. This not only helps to maintain your institution’s religious identity but also provides legal protection under the ministerial exception and other religious protections.

An effective interview process helps identify the most suitable candidates, reducing long-term turnover costs. It also benefits applicants by clearly outlining the organization’s values and expectations, ensuring mutual understanding and alignment of faith and purpose. This transparency helps candidates determine if their beliefs and goals support the organization’s mission, fostering a more fulfilling and cohesive work environment.


Why Catholic employers must incorporate their faith into the interviewing process

Clearly and explicitly identifying your Catholic mission in the interview process is crucial for legal protection and organizational integrity. Incorporating Catholic identity into hiring practices provides important safeguards under the ministerial exception and other religious protections. The ministerial exception allows religious organizations to make employment decisions based on religious criteria for roles deemed ministerial. By defining and communicating the religious nature of these positions, employers can ensure their right to select candidates who align with their faith. Additionally, embedding Catholic values in the hiring process demonstrates a commitment to religious freedom, which is essential in legal situations where the organization’s religious rights might be challenged. Finally, consistently integrating Catholic identity throughout the hiring process fosters a unified culture that supports the organization’s mission and protects against claims of inconsistent application of religious criteria.

Incorporating Catholic identity into the interview process is not just about finding the right candidate for the job; it’s about ensuring that every member of your organization supports and enhances your Catholic mission. By preparing thoroughly, asking the right questions, and understanding the legal protections available, Catholic employers can build a team that embodies the values and principles of their faith.

As leaders, it is our duty to uphold these standards and protect our organizations while fostering an environment where faith and work seamlessly integrate. By doing so, we honor Catholic identity and ensure the continued success and strength of our employer’s mission.


Reviewing Key Interviewing Guidelines

Before starting formal interviews, ensure the following:

  • Job descriptions and postings clearly outline duties, responsibilities, and the importance of supporting the organization’s mission and values. For more information on these subjects please visit our previous blogs.
  • Develop selection criteria reflecting both professional qualifications and alignment with Catholic values.
  • Prepare questions that assess both the candidate’s skills and their commitment to the Catholic mission.
  • Use a standardized evaluation form for consistency and fairness, including criteria for evaluating the candidate’s fit with the Catholic identity.
  • Prescreen applicants via phone or email to ensure mission alignment, assess communication skills, clarify resume details, address job changes or employment gaps, and discuss salary requirements.

Basics of Interviewing:

  1. Explain Mission and Values: Discuss your organization’s mission, essential job duties, and how Catholic teachings influence your work and the specific role.
  2. Performance-Based Questions: Focus on assessing candidates’ skills and past performance in specific situations.
  3. Avoid Personal Questions: Only ask about personal life if it directly relates to the job’s religious nature. Example: This role requires active participation in Catholic liturgy and sacraments. Can you share how you currently engage with these practices and how you would integrate them into your work here?
  4. Communicate Catholic Values: Clearly explain how Catholic values impact daily operations and expectations.
  5. Assess Mission Alignment: Look for candidates who align with your Catholic mission and values.
  6. Behavioral and Competency-Based Questions: Inquire about specific past incidents to predict future behavior.
  7. Situational Questions: Use hypothetical scenarios to evaluate problem-solving abilities and reactions.
  8. Follow-Up Questions: Request more details if answers are unclear to better understand the candidate.


If you would like sample questions to integrate into your interviewing process, email me at or visit our Members Only Room for this and added guidance on faith-based selection protocols.

To further safeguard your institution’s religious protections, it’s essential to integrate your Catholic identity into the interview process. By aligning your hiring practices with your mission and values, you ensure that candidates not only meet professional qualifications but also support your faith-based goals. This approach strengthens your organization’s Catholic identity and fosters a cohesive, mission-driven team. As leaders, upholding these standards reflects your commitment to both your faith and organizational success. For personalized guidance, reach out to the CBA for a review of your HR documents to identify additional ways to reinforce your Catholic mission.