by Mandy Cox

In March 2023 the Doctrine Committee of the USCCB released the Doctrinal Note on the Moral Limits to Technological Manipulation of the Human Body.  This note comes at a crucial time, as leaders at Catholic ministries and organizations discern a pastoral response that upholds the dignity of the human person.  Drawing on the rich tradition of Church teaching, as well as contemporary voices, the Doctrinal Note provides foundational principles you can include in your policies and conversations.

Our Everyday Ethics unpacks the Note, tying the philosophical and theological principles to practical and pastoral language you can implement today.  Originally shared with members in our monthly communication, the video below combines these short segments in one place for your convenience.

Remember, CBA is here to help our members.  As you anticipate conversations with your employees around your benefits, we can help you strengthen your Catholic identity and religious liberty in your responses.


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