by Mary Beth Barry

This is Part 1 of the series: Strengthening Catholic Identity in the HR Life Cycle.

“Work is a good thing for man – a good thing for his humanity – because through work man not only transforms nature, adapting it to his own needs, but he also achieves fulfillment as a human being and indeed, in a sense, becomes ‘more a human being.'” (CCC 2428)

By recognizing the inherent dignity and fulfillment that work brings to individuals, as stated in the Catechism, we understand the significance of job descriptions in shaping the employee experience.

Job descriptions form the cornerstone for HR processes, playing a crucial role in job postings, interviews, performance evaluations, and more. Essential for overall team and organizational success, they hold a pivotal role for a Catholic employer, integrating principles to reinforce the organization’s identity and foster a workplace culture rooted in Church teachings. We recognize that our work is not solely about earning a living but about actively participating in God’s plan.  Crafting job descriptions authentically conveys our distinctive mission and values, avoiding a generic secular template.

Why is having distinctively Catholic job descriptions essential?

In the face of increasing efforts by the modern state to impose secular norms on Catholic institutions, it is essential for employers to protect the institution against such pressures, particularly in the realm of employment.

  • By explicitly incorporating Catholic principles into your job descriptions you:
  • Reflect the unique values, principles, and mission of your Catholic organization.
  • Clearly let all know that your organization is dedicated to providing service in line with Jesus’s directive to love God and neighbor.
  • Help revive and remind your organization and its constituents how you are unique and different from secular institutions that otherwise appear to offer similar services.
  • Position your organization to confidently navigate legal landscapes.
  • Safeguard your right to operate in accordance with deeply held beliefs.
  • Identify the need for employees who agree with your values and will carry them out.
  • Will better form employees in your religious mission.
  • Highlight employee’s contribution and role in advancing your mission and shared Catholic community goals.

How to integrate Catholic identity in your job descriptions.

Incorporating Catholic identity into job descriptions can be done by:

Highlighting your mission:

  • Articulate your mission statement and how it aligns with Catholic values. This can be done by emphasizing the commitment to serving others, promoting social justice, or upholding the dignity of every person.

Include references to Catholic teachings:

  •  For example, mention the importance of compassion, integrity, respect, or the promotion of the common good.

Highlight Values and Ethical Standards:

  •  Explicitly mention the Catholic values and ethical standards that the organization upholds, emphasizing their importance in the workplace. This can include highlighting the importance of employees embracing and promoting Catholic principles, values, and traditions in their roles.

Emphasize the call to service:

  • Highlight how the position contributes to the organization’s service to others and the community.

Connect the Role to the Mission:

  • Clearly articulate how the specific role contributes to the organization’s overall mission and how it aligns with Catholic principles.

Encourage Spiritual Growth.

  • This can demonstrate the organization’s commitment to fostering the spiritual well-being of its employees. If applicable, include information about any spiritual or faith-based programs, retreats, or activities that employees may have access to

Sample language

Below is a taste of some sample language that could be incorporated in the requirements or duties sections for a general office or accounting role. This can be tweaked to be applicable for many different roles.

Employees will:

  • Play a key role in ensuring the efficient management of financial resources in alignment with Catholic principles of integrity and accountability.
  • Be responsible for maintaining the highest standards of financial integrity, promoting transparency, and adhering to Catholic teachings in all financial transactions and reporting.
  • Provide critical support to our mission-driven initiatives by ensuring accurate financial record-keeping, budget management, and financial analysis.
  • Directly contribute to our ability to fulfill our mission and serve those in need.
  • Perform all duties and responsibilities in alignment with the mission, vision, and values of the Catholic Church.
  • Have the opportunity to contribute to initiatives that advance economic fairness, equitable distribution of resources, and support for vulnerable populations as a result of us being called to work towards social justice and the promotion of the common good.
  •  Work collaboratively to embody the Catholic values of teamwork, respect, and service. This includes providing support and guidance to staff members, promoting a culture of collaboration, and fostering positive relationships built on trust and mutual respect.
  • Have the opportunity to participate in spiritual and faith-based activities, such as Mass, retreats, or volunteer opportunities, that enrich the connection between faith and work.
  • Play a vital role in promoting and fostering principles of compassion, integrity, and respect in all aspects of our work.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the values, beliefs, traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • Be considered as “Christ’s arms and legs” in carrying out the institution’s mission.
  • Adhere to and support the principles and values of Catholic social teaching.
  • Adhere to our Code of Conduct and Faith as they align with our Catholic teachings.
  • Contribute to creating a supportive work environment that reflects our Catholic identity. This includes promoting a culture of fairness, and understanding, where all employees are treated with dignity and respect.

And remember it is a good idea to include an employee affirmation statement that ensures employees acknowledge and understand your expectations and requirements.


A Catholic institution’s resilience hinges on cultivating a culture of Catholicity among its personnel. Explicitly integrating Catholic identity into job descriptions not only showcases the commitment to upholding Church teachings but also fosters a unified community rooted in Catholic traditions. Emphasizing the importance of expressing Catholic identity in job descriptions is crucial to fortify the institution’s character and safeguard its religious freedom amid contemporary pressures imposing secular norms.


CBA is here to help.

For sample job descriptions, language to use for jobs that have a faith requirement or more, please visit our Members Only Room at

Remember, it is imperative that you make sure your religious mission and identity are clear, obvious and contextualized in all your organizational documents & communications. We here at the CBA can review your job descriptions or other HR documents and offer recommendations on where and how to strengthen your Catholic identity. Please email me at for more information.