by Doug Wilson

This year we will be facing an unprecedented number and variety of immoral guidances, rules, and laws coming from a broader array of federal offices, bureaus, and departments. They will mandate Abortion (chemical and surgical), the entire gamut of SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) ideologies, as well as dictating hiring, employment, and workplace interaction. In addition to the usual financial penalties and exclusion from participation in government programs, punishment may include charges of discrimination under Title VII and the private right of action.

Given this new landscape, CBA will necessarily broaden the scope of our legal engagement from our original focus on mandates impacting employer health plans. For the first time it is likely that we will be engaged simultaneously in multiple legal actions in response to these new threats. We will continue to make each engagement decision relying on guidance from our Litigation Committee and with Board approval.

There were 110+ federal suits filed in the 2013 Contraceptive Mandate fight. The unlimited resources of the government made it possible for them to make each one more expensive and more drawn out (7 figures and 8 years) than almost any individual organization could manage. As a result, there were only 5 cases against the 2016 1557 Transgender Mandates (Becket, ADF, Christian Medical and Dental Association, Christian Employers Alliance, and CBA).

In this new environment of multiple assaults from numerous sources, unless a Catholic employer is fortunate enough to be chosen as a Becket or ADF named plaintiff, they can:

A: Comply,
B: Be crushed by the cost of fighting alone,
C: Be a CBA member.

With 84 dioceses, their 7000+ parishes and 1900 parochial schools, and 1300+ Catholic ministries and employers of every kind, CBA has demonstrated the Power of Association for over 10 years. As we anticipate these new challenges, standing together provides the greatest assurance for effectively navigating them.

On that note, we are encouraging you to join CBA now. We are a ministry serving ministries; allow us the opportunity to share how we can serve you.

We invite you to review the benefits of CBA membership, attached below, and reach out today to learn more about joining. It is through the Power of Association that we unite to respond in the face of these threats.